Thursday, July 12, 2007

Random happenings

Jeff has been in Louisiana this week so of course we sent the camera with him. However, I have wanted to use it several times! Maybe we should each have our own.... Kaylie drew all over her arms the other day with her not so washable markers so she got in "trouble". She got sent to her room for a timeout. Yesterday after I got home from work she saw the stretch marks on my belly and said, "Who has been drawing on your tummy? You are in "trouble" mom, TIMEOUT!" She proceeded to get a wash cloth to get the marker off my stomach but of course stretch marks don't just wipe off!! (Don't I wish!) I tried to tell her that it wasn't marker but she keeps telling me how naughty I am for drawing on my stomach. Today she didn't get a nap and she was exhausted. She threw a huge fit because she didn't want to come home from the neighbor's house she just wanted to jump on their trampoline. I made her come home and put her in the bath tub and got her cleaned up and tried to get her out so I let the water out and she didn't want to get out of the tub. I went downstairs to answer the phone and a few minutes later Kaylie yelled to me that she was ready to get out. I got off the phone after about 8 minutes and went upstairs to find she had fallen asleep in the bathtub with no water in it and was using her turtle as a pillow. It was so cute and I wish I could post a picture of it for you all but I wasn't smart enough to get my cell phone and take a picture. It's Thursday and Jeff comes home late tomorrow night! We can't wait to see daddy!

1 comment:

Holly said...

what a bummer that you didn't get a picture of the nap in the bathtub! good thing you let the water out. next time you are in need of a camera, call me and i'll be there to snap some shots!

Christmas Cuties!

Kaylie"s new world!

My girls

My girls
