Thursday, July 19, 2007


Innocent little thing!

Today Kaylie bit Ashley! She left two sets of teeth marks on her leg, she isn't a biter normally and was shocked when mommy bit her back. After she cried and was sent to timeout in her room I went in to talk to her about what she did. She said she was sorry and then asked me if my mommy used to lock me in my room for being naughty, because that's what mommies do. So if Kaylie tells you that her mommy locks her in her room, she's right! And she deserved it tonight.

Look at that sweet little face! And the chubby cuteness!

The way sisters should be!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Kaylie bit Ashley the next day on her arm, this time it was 4 sets of teeth marks, oh and the next day on the cheek! I bit her again, HARD! Little stinker!

Christmas Cuties!

Kaylie"s new world!

My girls

My girls
