Saturday, February 9, 2008


Do you think Ashley is having fun?

The new pink glasses!

You'd never know by this picture that they were so sick!

Remember The Parent Trap at the dance where she cuts her dress so her panties show! This cracked me up!

Enough already! I spent 3 hours shoveling snow and ice off the driveway today and I'm ready for some sunshine!


Allie said...

Amen to shoveling. Hummmm, I'm so sick of it I think I'll go to DISNEYLAND!!!!! See you on President's day!

david said...

That panty shot totally cracks me up! Parent trap was one of my favorite shows and that is just too funny...

(jenny, not david)

Holly said...

Julie, I am so glad that you referenced The Parent Trap—the original one, not that lame remake they did with Lindsay Lohan!

I'm also glad to see that Jenny (not David) loves it too. Maybe we should have an outside movie in someone's yard this summer and watch it. Someone that has the equipment to watch movies outside. Start asking around and befriending strangers if needs be.

Julie said...

I have the original Parent Trap movie somewhere! I love it! Glad that you guys like it too! We should have an outside movie night! If we live to see summer again!

david said...

I like the Lindsey Lohan version. (not really, but you know, for controversy sake I am throwing that out there). P.S. Amen to the whole hating the dreaded winter attitude.

Fullmer Family said...

YOU ARE READY FOR SUNSHINE HUH??? Good one Chambers, good one!! :) You blog is so dang cool - how'd you get those pix on the right hand side too?? I'm a blog idiot!! :) Thanks for the note on mine though, sorry I missed you in Utah, can you believe while I was down there I got the flu TWICE!! I got barely anything done that I wanted too!! Geesh!! Anyway, hope I hear from you soon.

Christmas Cuties!

Kaylie"s new world!

My girls

My girls
