Saturday, January 5, 2008

Kaylie's Birthday!

Who is that trying to get in the picture? DAVID is that you?

Crazy faces!

Our little 3 year old in her new dress ups that NEVER come off!

"The best cake in the whole world!" Yeah right!

Kaylie woke up Thursday morning and was so excited for her friends to come over and eat her birthday cake. "They'll think it's the best cake in the whole world mom!" I had to work so I hadn't planned anything! On my lunch break I called the neighbors and told them to come over for some cake and ice cream and it turned out to be a whole lot of fun! Thanks to everyone who came on such short notice! I love our neighbors!! And Jeff took the night off so we got to hang out with dad AND he cleaned the house before I got home from work. SWEET!

1 comment:

The Chambers Family said...

Happy Birthday Kaylie your getting so big. Love your new bike.
From your Aunt and Uncle and cousins in Texas.

Christmas Cuties!

Kaylie"s new world!

My girls

My girls
