We finally went and had some family pictures taken yesterday and they turned out way better than I thought they would! We went at nap time, need I say more but the photographer was very patient! Ashley wouldn't let go of me the whole time but you can't tell! We even got a cute one of the girls together. I was holding Ashley way out to the side of me so Kaylie could hug her, I can't believe I'm not in the picture. Jeff put their names on these close ups. They turned out soooo cute!! (Don't let Ashley's innocent little face fool you, she was a NIGHTMARE, but she's a cute one :)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I've never done this before!

I've Been Tagged This is my first tag ever. I was tagged by Catherine, so here it goes:
7 random and/or weird facts about me:
1. I smuggled an Alaska Malamute Puppy on an airplane from Alaska to Utah. It was only four weeks old and I've never had a dog before so I had no idea how to take care of this poor animal! I smuggled it in a duffle bag that had mesh sides so it could breathe. The guy who asked me to take the puppy to Utah for him said that all I had to do was give the dog a baby aspirin and it would sleep the whole trip, YEAH RIGHT! It howled the entire time! I didn't get into trouble though until I had to transfer planes from Alaska Air to Southwest, they absolutely have a NO PET policy! What was I supposed to do just leave the poor dog in the airport? So, yes I put it in the duffle bag. She peed everywhere! I got a couple of airplane pillows to put in the duffle bag and when she was sort of quiet I hurried onto the plane! I kept hearing people around me asking if a baby was crying and then someone said it sounded like an animal, the flight attendant tracked down the howling and was FURIOUS! She gave me a big lecture on how if someone was allergic to my dog they would have to make an emergency landing and it would ruin everyone's plans for the holidays. All the flight attendants kept walking by and staring at me, some of them would say, "So you're the one with the dog," and shake their heads. They tried to corner me to tell me that I couldn't get off the plane that I was going to be fined or something. BUT I realized that Southwest doesn't have assigned seating so they had no idea who I was, I bailed! I will NEVER do anything like that again! That is the short version too!
2. I was kidnapped when I was a little girl, thank goodness my dad found me!
3. I love to dance and I'm TERRIBLE at it, thank goodness my kids don't know how bad I am! When Jeff is gone we always sing and dance and I can be my retarded awkward self :)
4. I like Spam :) My mom used to make it for me all the time, to some of you that may explain a lot :)
5. I got to meet Richard G. Scott and shake his hand and the whole time I kept thinking, "Some little man took Richard G. Scott's head!" He is a little guy! He is AWESOME!
6. I went running with my old roommate once in Oakley, Idaho and we got chased by a llama.
7. I haven't missed a day reading my scriptures for almost two years now! I just need to do more studying!!!
7 random and/or weird facts about me:
1. I smuggled an Alaska Malamute Puppy on an airplane from Alaska to Utah. It was only four weeks old and I've never had a dog before so I had no idea how to take care of this poor animal! I smuggled it in a duffle bag that had mesh sides so it could breathe. The guy who asked me to take the puppy to Utah for him said that all I had to do was give the dog a baby aspirin and it would sleep the whole trip, YEAH RIGHT! It howled the entire time! I didn't get into trouble though until I had to transfer planes from Alaska Air to Southwest, they absolutely have a NO PET policy! What was I supposed to do just leave the poor dog in the airport? So, yes I put it in the duffle bag. She peed everywhere! I got a couple of airplane pillows to put in the duffle bag and when she was sort of quiet I hurried onto the plane! I kept hearing people around me asking if a baby was crying and then someone said it sounded like an animal, the flight attendant tracked down the howling and was FURIOUS! She gave me a big lecture on how if someone was allergic to my dog they would have to make an emergency landing and it would ruin everyone's plans for the holidays. All the flight attendants kept walking by and staring at me, some of them would say, "So you're the one with the dog," and shake their heads. They tried to corner me to tell me that I couldn't get off the plane that I was going to be fined or something. BUT I realized that Southwest doesn't have assigned seating so they had no idea who I was, I bailed! I will NEVER do anything like that again! That is the short version too!
2. I was kidnapped when I was a little girl, thank goodness my dad found me!
3. I love to dance and I'm TERRIBLE at it, thank goodness my kids don't know how bad I am! When Jeff is gone we always sing and dance and I can be my retarded awkward self :)
4. I like Spam :) My mom used to make it for me all the time, to some of you that may explain a lot :)
5. I got to meet Richard G. Scott and shake his hand and the whole time I kept thinking, "Some little man took Richard G. Scott's head!" He is a little guy! He is AWESOME!
6. I went running with my old roommate once in Oakley, Idaho and we got chased by a llama.
7. I haven't missed a day reading my scriptures for almost two years now! I just need to do more studying!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Kaylie's first day of Preschool!

Kaylie has been dying to start preschool! She is going to My Garden of Learning Preschool with her cousin, Ty. Doesn't she look so grown up? I thought she looked more like a first grader! She went to bed early the night before and in the morning got up and took a bath. She wanted me to blow dry her hair so she could wear it down. She is such a girlie girl!
Friday, September 5, 2008
We had soooo much fun in Canada with Jeff's family! Thank you Grandma and Paca for EVERYTHING! We flew to Seattle and rented a car to drive up to Canada. Getting there took a long time but actually the kids handled it better than I thought they would have. We stayed in Telegraph Cove, which is on the North end of Vancouver Island. It was so beautiful. We were there for our sixth anniversary. (I love you Jeff!)
We went crabbing and it was really cool, we started pretty early in the morning and got a lesson in crabbing from Paca and his friend Tom. We had sticks that we poked into the sand until we hit something hard and it started to move. You can only keep the male crabs, they look like they have a lighthouse on their bellies while the female crab's belly looks like a beehive. When we were done the tide had gone out so far that the deer from the island across from us walked across to where we were. It was really cool! We saw bears, orcas, porpoises and watched a bald eagle try to steal someone's fish. I don't think there are many places that could be more picturesque! The pictures are in random order, sorry!
Ashley was ready to be free from the carseat! It took us a day and a half travel time to get there!

We had to stop at the totem pole for some pictures :)

The deer walking across the mud flats while the tide was out
Kaylie was looking for the volcano on Nim's Island :)

This is where we got our fishing licenses

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