Yesterday we got the call from Excel Eye Center that Kaylie's glasses were finally ready. When we picked them up she didn't seem to think things were too different she was just reveling in the novelty of the new glasses. We got in the car and drove to Burger King and as she was getting out of the car I guess she realized for the first time the texture of the pavement and parking lot. She didn't dare walk on it without holding mom or dad's hand. As she tried to step up onto the sidewalk the curb seemed daunting to her. She kept gingerly putting out her leg until finally she stepped up. We laughed and held her hand but it wasn't until we got into the restaurant that she started to really get scared of the floor and would not walk on the tile without us holding her hand. I guess she has never been able to distinguish between the tiles either and she desperately wanted us to take off the glasses. We told her that the floor has always been like that but she just couldn't see it before and that these glasses are going to help her eyes get better. She looked at Jeff's unshaven face and noticed for the first time the individual hairs on his chin. We had fun exploring her new world with her yesterday and are glad that she has decided she likes her glasses.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Nap time
Don't you wish your arms looked like this!

I went to check on Ashley this morning while she was taking her nap. I don't know how she sleeps like this. It scares me! I keep changing her position and she ends up like this and I have to make sure she's still breathing! She won't sleep on her back so I tried putting her on her side and she always rolls over onto her tummy even when I prop something behind her back.
I went to check on Ashley this morning while she was taking her nap. I don't know how she sleeps like this. It scares me! I keep changing her position and she ends up like this and I have to make sure she's still breathing! She won't sleep on her back so I tried putting her on her side and she always rolls over onto her tummy even when I prop something behind her back.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Just wondering?
What ever happened to Glamour shots? Do you remember how they used to poof peoples hair up and put on TONS of makeup and have them pose like they thought they were a model?
Friday, July 20, 2007
I took Kaylie to the Pediatric Opthamologist today to get her eyes checked. She sits kind of close to the TV and holds her books close and is very clumsy. Just a precaution right? She is so blind! She is getting her first glasses! Maybe some of you will understand what it means to be 550 points farsighted and to have an extremely bad astigmatism in both eyes. AKA coke bottle glasses. However, we opted for the more expensive not so coke bottle look! She picked out her little frames and we have to wait a week for them to order her prescription in. Yes that's right they don't keep prescriptions that strong on hand. Mine and Jeff's response to all this? We can't stop laughing! Is that rude or what, we just think it's so funny! We'll just have to see what our cute little four eyes will have to say about the world she lives in when she can see! Pictures will be following this post as soon as those slick blue metallic glasses get to come home with us!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Innocent little thing!
Today Kaylie bit Ashley! She left two sets of teeth marks on her leg, she isn't a biter normally and was shocked when mommy bit her back. After she cried and was sent to timeout in her room I went in to talk to her about what she did. She said she was sorry and then asked me if my mommy used to lock me in my room for being naughty, because that's what mommies do. So if Kaylie tells you that her mommy locks her in her room, she's right! And she deserved it tonight.
Look at that sweet little face! And the chubby cuteness!
The way sisters should be!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Phrases of the Day
Monday, July 16, 2007
Back from K-Ville!

Mississippi river near it's mouth.
Downtown hot spot!
The shooting of the mini-series K-Ville
Beignet's, Oh so good!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Signs of a true Addict!

My birthday was about 2 weeks ago and my friend Stephanie made me a chocolate cake. It wasn't just any cake, it was Magleby's chocolate cake! If that doesn't mean anything to you then maybe you can't relate but it was sooooooo good. I grudgingly shared a piece with Jeff and a small sliver with Kaylie and I devoured the rest. Her mom helped her make it since she used to help make the desserts for Magleby's Restaurant. Of course I asked for the recipe and they can't give it to me. I understand and am glad for their example of integrity but I have been searching for the recipe ever since! I have looked just about everywhere. I found a recipe online that sounded really good and thought it might be a good copy cat. I spent all day letting the butter get just right and it called for sour cream and beaten egg whites folded into the batter etc..I was sooooo disappointed, when my cake was done it just tasted like chocolate cake, there was nothing special about it. If I could even just get the frosting recipe! My chocolate frosting always tastes like there's too much powdered sugar in it but the frosting and the cake she made me was soooo yummy. I have been dreaming about it the past few nights and last night in my dream I found the secret to the frosting. I was so happy when I woke up I really thought I knew the recipe but the more I woke up I realized that the skittles that were melted down to make the chocolate frosting in my dream to mask the powdered sugar taste wasn't quite right. So now I am disappointed and desperately wanting that recipe! I might just have to go down to Magleby's and beg and buy myself another entire cake! Pathetic!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Random happenings
Jeff has been in Louisiana this week so of course we sent the camera with him. However, I have wanted to use it several times! Maybe we should each have our own.... Kaylie drew all over her arms the other day with her not so washable markers so she got in "trouble". She got sent to her room for a timeout. Yesterday after I got home from work she saw the stretch marks on my belly and said, "Who has been drawing on your tummy? You are in "trouble" mom, TIMEOUT!" She proceeded to get a wash cloth to get the marker off my stomach but of course stretch marks don't just wipe off!! (Don't I wish!) I tried to tell her that it wasn't marker but she keeps telling me how naughty I am for drawing on my stomach. Today she didn't get a nap and she was exhausted. She threw a huge fit because she didn't want to come home from the neighbor's house she just wanted to jump on their trampoline. I made her come home and put her in the bath tub and got her cleaned up and tried to get her out so I let the water out and she didn't want to get out of the tub. I went downstairs to answer the phone and a few minutes later Kaylie yelled to me that she was ready to get out. I got off the phone after about 8 minutes and went upstairs to find she had fallen asleep in the bathtub with no water in it and was using her turtle as a pillow. It was so cute and I wish I could post a picture of it for you all but I wasn't smart enough to get my cell phone and take a picture. It's Thursday and Jeff comes home late tomorrow night! We can't wait to see daddy!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
We have been wanting to go camping forever! So instead of talking about it anymore we decided to just go. We called the Butlers and asked them if they wanted to come with us and we went. It was really pretty and we had fun but next time we go I think we'll go somewhere a little bit closer. Jeff wanted to show us Electric Lake since I'd never been there and show us where he is going hunting. Our tinfoil dinners were delicious! My favorite part of camping is always the food, of course that's my favorite part of just about any function! We didn't get a picture of our tent but we finally have one! So if anyone wants to go camping we're game!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Sparkling Personalities
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Happy Birthday JULIE!!!

Well it's a day late but none the less here it is. The one day a year that miss Julie Tracy can say "It's my Birthday". Julie has reached the magical age to which all women stop getting any older. She will now be forever 29. To you Julie, you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I can say that you are the most caring person I have ever met. You definitely deserve the happiest birthday imaginable. I hope that your day was a special one. So zippity-a and heidy ho there is something I can do. I'm singing a song that we all know, Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Boy's and Their Toys
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